Sunday, June 3, 2012

Swedish with a Danish accent

Above is a  picture of our District minus our Zone Leaders. The Dunns made us lunch at the center in Lund. Below is a picture of some of our friends here.


Finally I got a picture with a post bike. This is how the Swedes deliver post everywhere. Pretty rad. 

Well, howdy!

DENMARK TEMPLE. This Friday Syster Jacobs and I get the chance to travel to Denmark to go to the Temple there with the Systers in Karlskrona. We are very excited about that. It has almost been 7 months since I last went to the Temple. And the last time I was there it was also to the Denmark Temple. I am really looking forward to the chance that I have to travel there again. We have plans to see the Christus statue again and the Little Mermaid. I have decided I am going to finally purchase a Swedish CTR ring. Which is actually VDR in Swedish. I can get one at the visitors center there.

I am in love with the south of Sweden. It is so beautiful here and the weather is breath-taking. The only thing that has been getting to me is my hayfever. Yuck. 

This past week we have had some amazing teaches with the members here and we visited some less-actives. We had lunch with a sweet older Danísh lady who has lived in Sweden for a long time. She loves to talk and she is the hardest person ever to understand! She is from Denmark and she has a strong accent and talks really fast. She is stinkin'  hilarious and I just wish that I could understand everything that she is saying to me because I know that it´s funny. She is one of the happiest people I have ever met and she laughs just as much as I do. We may not be able to understand each other very well, but boy can we laugh! After all, that is the most important thing in life.

A goal that Syster Jacobs and i have for this upcoming week is to open our mouths and talk to everyone! On the way to the library this morning we walked and had some really good deep dicussions about the gospel with people along our way. We talked to five different people and the very last lady was a positive, upbeat one who told us right away that her husband had died from cancer last year and now she is alone. She was a very happy person who has strong beliefs in Christ but needs help seeing that there is more to life. We got her number and hopefully will be meeting with her later this week. We have three older ladies in our branch who are called as our branch missionaries and our Branch President wants us to use them as much as we can. It's been hard lately because we have just been teaching in English. But, then we were led to this great lady today. I have a strong testimony of the fact that if we are trying our hardest Heavenly Father will always lead us to those people who are ready to hear the gospel.

The amazing Chilean family who we have been getting really close with have a family restaurant in Orem state street... Lomitos is the name. Or something close to that. You should go and eat there and ask if they have family in Sweden. Because I love them! The branch president and his wife are amazing here. I can telll that Syster Jacobs and I are going to get really close to them. On Saturday night we actually had our first meeting with the Branch President because he had just gotten back from Utah this past week. We now have a wonderful vision of what Kristianstad branch wants and expects of us- their missionaries. In church he bore his testimony about how the members are the ones who are actually called as full time missionaries and how Syster Jacobs and I are just called here to assit. It´s a pretty neat place.

We see so many miracles every day and I am so thankful for the chance that I have now to be the Lord´s missionary in Kristianstad. I love you all!

Love, Talisa!!!

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