Monday, March 5, 2012


My District.

We teach on the bus!

Music night. This was so much fun!

Well howdy everyone!

This has been a week full of music and that has made me very happy. I have the coolest district ever and before I came here they had planned a music night wih our branch, Uppsala. and Borlänge. The music night was held on Saturday and we had about 70 people show up!! We had a potluck dinner and then the music began. We had about 15 different numbers. One of my favorites was Kurt Sjöqvist. He sang some Swedish folk songs with his guitar and it reminded me a lot of Dad and Brian´s music. I was happy. I kept thinking that you guys were probably playing around the same time! Cute. Thanks for emailing me the pictures from your show. It looks like it was great! Everyone looks so happy. I am imagining your music now. Lovely.

My district leader writes his own music, so he wrote us a district song and we sang it together that night. Lots of people came up to us afterwords and told us that they loved the night and can´t wait to do it again. It was an amazing activity and I think we really impressed the branches that we are working in. The next day was fast Sunday and a lot of people from our ward shared their testimonies about the music night. We had about seven investigators show up as well! It was a night full of fun and the we could really feel the Spirit there. We plan on having another one in May. In about a week Elder Davis, Elder Smith, and I will all be training! 3 greenies all in the same district. I am looking forward to that.

Syster Jenson and I are having so much fun together and we are having so much success! I love being able to be with her again. Tonight we are going to teach a family with a new convert who is preparing to serve a mission. My birthday weekend will be a good one, with a baptism we hope! Booya! Well, that´s the plan. Please pray for us and the work here in Gävle to go forward.

We are working with two amazing African families right now and I love them so much. One is an amazing couple who are so Christ like. He comes from Africa and she is Swedish. They are the happiest people I have ever met. He drives the bus here in Gävle and we have taught him a couple of times while he has been driving. He calls them Mobile teaches. Haha. Last time we came on the bus he said he needed a sign that said, "Daughters of God on board". Haha. I love making so many friends and bringing them closer to our Savior.

Well, so it happened, my one year mark came and went pretty quickly. We didn't do anything super exciting other than the traditional one year phone call with your MTC district. That was super fun to hear about everyone and where everyone is at this point in our missions. We have all grown up so much. It was a great call and I love my MTC group. It looks like a handful of us will be training this next week. I am excited to see everyone.

As far as the Rosen family, yes I know them! And I remember them telling me that there son was on a mission in England and I was wondering if Zack would know him. And by golly he does. Way cool. They are a wonderful, big mormon family! They have ten kids and are all super active and strong in the church. They are great examples to me. The Dad is an amazing musician and has a really wonderful music room which I took some pictures in this last week when we were over there for lunch. One of the pictures is me standing by some really old accordions. And then Syster Jenson and I in his music room. I guess he is pretty well known and every night at 6pm a church here in Gävle plays his music.

Oh yeah! Last week on pday we did a little bit of shopping and I found a sweet cd store with tons of amazing Swedish music! I got Rock Olga, who is Sveriges rockdrottning! Which means Swedish Rock Queen. She was big in the 50´s and 60´s here. I love her music. Kind of a Swedish Wanda Jackson. And I most likely will go back and purchase Britt Damberg, another Swedish Wanda Jackson. I am happy.

So, another crazy thing happened this week with our district. The other Systers in our district got moved from Uppsala to Vasterhenige. Which is where the temple is, right in Stockholm! I love that systers are now in Stockholm! I hope I get the chance to go there on splits. It looks like a possibility. Elders got moved to Uppsala. We went to Uppsala this past week for district meeting- that is a very awesome city! Next week for pday we will be going there as well. Syster Jenson wants to spend her last pday in Uppsala with some of the members she knows. Hopefully I will finally get the chance to go inside the Domkyrkan. That is the biggest church in Sweden. This is Syster Jenson´s last full week of missionary work and we have a pretty full amazing week planned! I am trying to learn everything I can from her this last week before I train again. I am feeling better about being here in Gävle and I am loving the branch here.

I think that´s about all! I love you all. Spring is coming, so go and spread joy! Start preparing for General Conference because it´s coming sooner then we realize.

Love, Talisa!

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