Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Moving again!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SERINA!!!! And Happy Birthday to MOM!!!

Another two months and I am moving again! I guess I am needed somewhere else. President Newell called me on Saturday and told me that I would be leaving Goteborg on Wednesday and going to Halmstad! That is where Syster Juker was before here, so she has been telling me everything I need to know. I have to say that I cried when I found out that I would be moving. I was just feeling comfortable here and felt like I was just making lasting relationships with all the YSA's. I had so many good ideas to work with the YSA's and so many ideas to involve the members more. I am really sad. I am also leaving two great companions. But, I do know that I have made a difference here and that I am needed elsewhere. I will go and do what the Lord wants me to do. 1 Nephi 3:7 has given me a lot of comfort since I found out I would be leaving. I am really excited about seeing my Swedish language skills improve. I hear Halmstad is a really hard area. So, this will be interesting.
I am trying to stay positive. Looks like I will be spending Christmas there. That's okay. Please pray extra hard for me and this upcoming move. I leave on Wednesday.

Okay now that I have gotten that out- ELY got BAPTIZED!!! Yippee!! It was an amazing service. When we got to the church Ely was just heading down the road to pick up her brother and she asked me to go with her to get him. So off I went with her to pick up her brother. I was amazed at how much Heavenly Father loves me because I spoke the entire time in Swedish! And we were laughing and could understand each other. It truly was a miracle. And when we got her brother and his girlfriend I was able to talk to them about the church and why I am a missionary. I did it all by myself. It was a long walk and I spoke Swedish the whole time. Somehow, ever since I found out that I would be leaving Goteberg, my Swedish has gotten a lot better. I have a HUGE testimony that Heavenly Father will help us fulfill our callings.

The experience of having a woman get baptized was amazing. Syster Juker, Syster Jenson and I were behind the scenes of the baptism and we were the first ones to hug her and tell her congrats. The Spirit was very strong and I have never seen Ely so happy. She actually kept saying to us..."this feels like I am getting married". She is the same wonderful investigator who said Jesus was like a hippie. She has strengthened my testimony so much. And her good example of getting baptized is going to help her whole family! She knows the truth and is already an amazing member!

We also had the chance this week to go to a high school and talk to a bunch of teenagers about the gospel. We had 4 Elders there and us 3 Sisters. This was all in Swedish and I have never been so scared. I am totally fine with talking to a bunch of people about the gospel when it is in English! I prayed for help and Heavenly Father helped me through it. Of course sometimes I would slip into English. Luckily all the teenagers thought it was funny. It was really neat to be able to watch all the Elders in their element. I really look up to them and all of their hard work.

Well, I love you all! Have a good birthday week and ROCK N' ROLL!
Enjoy the Sounds!! Booya. Be on the look out for a package from me.

Love, Talisa!

The first picture is us five missionaries and the Holdaways. They are one of my favorite families! I love them all so much! They have two children. Cute family and they are always willing to help and invite us over for dinner. I will really miss them. The next pictures are from the baptism.

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