Friday, October 7, 2011

Book of Mormon to the Max

At the castle we went to last week!

WOW. Another temple in PROVO!! I am so excited and happy about that. Thanks Dad for sending me the picture of the drawing. It looks lovely. It will be really neat to go to the temple in the Tabernacle where I grew up performing and attending stake conferences.

Well...this past week we met with our Bishop and had a great meeting about planning a big ward activity to try and get the ward more involved in missionary work. Our ward is huge and our bishop has told us that they need our help. So, on Dec. 10th, we have a big Jul party! Jul means Christmas. We are going to start visiting all the members and sharing with them the message of the restoration, so they can see how we teach and then they will trust us to give us referrals. The work here in Göteborg is really taking off and we have some amazing plans for the end of the year. We also met with the YSA council yesterday, in between sessions, and made plans for a missionary fireside to help get the YSA's more excited about doing missionary work. We are planning some amazing activities and I feel like I am getting to use some of my talents to help with the work. Which is what I should be doing in life..Right? Actually using my talents. Remember to be active in the church and USE your talents to help strengthen the Lord's kingdom.

We are really focusing on helping the less-actives and we have seen some of them start coming to activities and back to church! I have a strong testimony of how well the Lord knows each of us and how each person we meet in our lives we meet for a reason. Look for ways to uplift someone else and I promise you, you will be happier. Like President Monson said in conference - when we are busy with the Lord's work the time flies past!

Conference was amazing! On Saturday we went to the church and watched the Relief Society session- Elder Uchtdorf's talk was my favorite and was very powerful. I think that during this conference we all got to see powerfully strong testimonies from all of the Apostles. I know this church is true and that we can all help spread the truth, even if we are not full time missionaries! Even though I am. Haha. After the Relief Society session Syster Juker and I headed to the tram stop to pick up an investigator for the session. The plan is that he will be baptized on Oct. 29th. It was an amazing experience to sit next to an investigator during conference. I will never forget how it felt to watch conference with someone who doesn't know the truth. We actually had an investigator at every session!! Life is grand and I am happy. And Ely, who is getting baptized this weekend watched all the sessions at home with the member family she is living with. They all loved conference and we have plans to meet with all of them this week and discuss what they learned.

Some of my favorite parts from conference:

We must be worthy to receive inspiration and then ACT upon it. We must trust and communicate with our Heavenly Father. -President Monson

I really enjoyed how BOLD all of the Apostles were and how a lot of them stressed the importance of being a bold witness of Christ.

Repentance is a divine gift for each one of us. - Todd Christofferson


Elder Uchtdorf was so powerful and I enjoyed both of his talks. In Relief Society and General Conference. We must ALWAYS remember that we matter.

Do the right thing at the right time without delay. -Jose Alonso

Here are my questions I had for conference: 1. How can I find the balance of being myself and a missionary? 2. How can I help others see the importance of the gospel? 3. How do I strengthen my weaknesses? 4. What is the best way to strengthen less-activies? 5. How do I lose myself in the work?

Welp, I love you all so much! And I thank you for your great examples to me and support. One more little story: This past week I was a walking heart attack. Haha. We have decided to start heart attacking some of our members and less actives and let them know how much we love and care about them. We wrote scriptures on the hearts and then my companions stuck them all over me because we wanted to not make a lot of noise by the door, and then we transferred them to the persons door. Lovely indeed. A picture should be included. Enjoy.

Love, Talisa! Your rockin missionary.

Happy Birthday to the Rocktober birthdays! Suzanne, Kate, Frances, Ilse, Serina, Mom, Danny, Donnette, Crew, Dad, and Wendy! And I am excited for Traci and Justin for their new baby that will be coming soon! Yipee.

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