Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Goodbye Göteborg, Hello Halmstad!

This is the chapel in Halmstad.

Wow, I don´t know where to start. This past week has been crazy. Since last Monday was my last p-day in Göteborg I organized a big lunch with some YSA´s and missionaries. It was so much fun! We had about 20 people in this cute 50´s diner place for lunch. I was in heaven. The only thing that was missing was the 50's music. I will really miss Goteborg. That whole morning I felt like I was at home because I was contacting and texting everyone in order to say goodbye. I really miss parties. But, it is really cool to see that I can use my party planning skills here.

The next day we had two middags and two fikas! To say goodbye. We went to a member's house for lunch- who I LOVE. Then to an older lady in the ward who is super strong and is the only member in her family. But, she knows that one day her family will listen to her and then she will be able to live with them forever. Amazing strength. Then all five of us missionaries headed over to the Holdaways for one last visit. I LOVE that family and I will really miss them. Then all five of us headed to the Institute for some reason. I had no idea what was going on. Once we got there Talitha, Soffia, Maria, and Mette were there and they had made me a cake to say goodbye! I felt very loved and they easily made my week. The Andersons, Elder Bush, and Elder Jenkins were there too. It was a lovely goodbye party. And Talitha told me that she put some of the pictures up on facebook already. Haha.

Then Wednesday came- the move day. Elder Bush and Elder Jenkins drove me down to the station. I had an hour train ride all by myself. I wrote in my journal. When I got to Halmstad my new companion was there to pick me up. Syster Kiser. She is from West Virgnia. She goes home on Jan. 12 and I will be with her until then...and then President said that I would become senior companion after that! I am so exctied for that. I just cant wait!

Halmstad is very pretty and we spent the first day just walking around and riding our bikes all over. I have a BIKE again! But, it is starting to get really cold. Not too dark yet... but I can tell it's coming. I am told November is when that really starts. Friday and Saturday we spent in Lund! I really love all the chances that I am getting to travel. We had zone conference and it was amazing. Focused on how to listen to the Spirit and how to really use the Book of Mormon when teaching. I love President Newell and Syster Newell! They are amazing people and really know how to invite the Spirit. In fact, Syster Newell is going to come down here to spend a whole day with us and see what missionary work is like in the field. We have been told sometime in early November. I really look up to Syster Newell and so I am really excited to get to spend an entire day with her. On Saturday we had a really cool finding actvitiy in Lund. We had a total of ten missionaries there and we set up a booth and started talking to people and passing out Book Of Mormons. A lovely day indeed. I contacted so many people all by myself! And all in swedish! It was very nerve racking but I did some major praying and my prayers were answered.

Then next day was Sunday and we had church. This ward is very small. There are about 20 people who are active. About half of those are children. The members here are very strong and I can tell that we are going to become good friends. I shared my testimony in sacrament meeting and everyone said that they were really amazed at my Swedish. I was shocked. Swedish is coming! After church the Bishop and his wife invited us over for dinner. They also invited a cute young american exchange student. She is from Wyoming and will be living here for the next year. She is amazing and has such a strong testimony. The Bishop and his wife are really young, like Traci and Justin's age. I LOVE them! The wife reads all the Provo mormon ladies blogs. She kept saying that Stephanie commented on her blog. She is super cute! And when we got to their house she put on the Lower Lights! Ahh. I was happy. She also makes jewerly and I got some cute earrings! They are very nice and I love them. They are planning on having a big halloween party at their house on Oct. 29th and want us to help set it all up and get investigators there! We are excited about the work.

So, life is good. I have felt the Lord's help more then ever during this past week. I know that he loves me and will provide a way for me to be happy. We have some good plans to meet with lots of members and less actives this upcoming week. And we will try to find some investigators. I LOVE you all!
Love, Talisa!
P.S. Congrats on the new BABY Traci!!

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