Sunday, October 2, 2011

Part 2.

Hello once again!

So, this week has been amazing and I have decided that I need to be better at writing more details. So, here we go. We have a solid baptism set up for Oct. 8th with a girl from Peru. We have been meeting twice a week with her for about a month and I have become really close to her. We love her! We actually had a lady from the ward come to the teach with us and she added so much. We LOVE having members come on teaches with us because they always bring such a special spirit with them. It also helps with Swedish teaches because they usually can understand much more than we can. Haha. I am learning to make my weaknesses strengths.

Every week we have usually at least 2 dinners with the Elders and Members. This past week we had a really fun dinner with a cute girl that made us the entire dinner and then we shared an amazing spiritual thought on prayer after. All five of us missionaries went around and shared our favorite scripture on prayer. Mine is Alma 37:37. I shared how when I was at girl's camp one year, we made a little heart flyer with that scripture on it and then put it in our scriptures. Then, years later when I was having a hard time, I looked through my scriptures and that little heart flyer fell out and I re-read that scripture and ever since that day my prayers became much more spiritual. The gospel is real and I know that prayer works.

Be good this week and listen to general conference! It will be super amazing and I know that you will be uplifted. We will be watching conference on Saturday at 4pm- the relief society session, 6pm the sat. morning session, and then on sunday we will watch it at 2pm and then 6pm. And then the last session we will watch together on Monday. I believe on Saturday we will be watching it at the church and on Sunday we will be watching it at the Center. Life is good and the Church is true!

I LOVE you all!

Love, Talisa!
Aka: Syster Vistaunet

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Tali looks great! I am sure she is a fantastic missionary! AND it sure looks like she is making the most of her time over there teaching the Gospel and in true Talisa style adding a whole heck of a lot of fun! :) Glad to see she is well! Thanks for updating!
