Monday, September 19, 2011

I made sushi!

I made sushi and it was delicious.

Boat ride!

And that's my brain thought.

Boat ride!

We ate at the Hard Rock Cafe, and this was hanging above our table.

Hello one and all!

I have come to the conclusion that I am in Heaven. I love it here and would be happy if I served the rest of my mission here. This morning I came to the conclusion that I need to become better friends with all the YSA's and YW in my ward. And then get them to come on teaches with us and start teaching their friends. So, this week I am going to really focus on building strong relationships and making sure that I am always uplifting the person I am talking to. Last week we had a teach with a very amazing investigator! We had the bishops daughter, who is almost 17 years old, come and help teach with us. She brought such a sweet spirit and we really enjoy working with the cute younger girls. We have had many of them ask us if they could help us with teaches. We are making a difference! I love them.

If you ever have the chance to help the missionaries out and go on it! You will have an amazing experience and it will change your life. I have a much bigger love for the missionaries of the church now that I am one. I can see how much work goes into strengthening the church and how important working with members is. You can make a difference! Don't ever be afraid to talk about the gospel with a friend, because you never know what could happen. Miracles happen, especially when you put all of your faith and trust in the Lord.

Last night we got to go to the institute and watch the CES fireside with Elder and Sister Oaks. It was amazing! They were both really powerful. Elder Oaks focused on being bold when we are talking with people about our faith. We must always remember that there is a God, and it is our duty as members to tell the world that God exists. My favorite part was when he quoted President Hinckley and said, "We must be in the world, but not of the world."

This past week Syster Juker and I had three teaches by ourselves. Luckily they were all in english. We both had the moment of realization that we are missionaries. It is a really neat experience to teach with your companion from the mtc. I am loving life. We have two investigators who are getting baptized soon! Oct. 1st during the day is the first baptism and then that night we will go to General Conference. That will be an amazing day. Our other baptism is a man from Ghana, Africa and it is planned for Oct. 8th. The work is moving forward like crazy and I am so thankful that I have the chance to be a part of it.

We teach Swedish class every week to about ten people and this week we did one-on-one reading activities and it was amazing how much the Lord helped me to be able to speak in Swedish. I am amazed that I can speak Swedish. We also made sushi at chill night this past week and it was really good and really easy! I loved it. We were amazed at how many investigators and less actives came to chill night. I felt so popular... talking to everyone and trying to be the best missionary I can. Every day I can feel myself coming closer and closer to Christ and our Heavenly Father. I love the gospel!

Love, Talisa!
Aka: Syster Vistaunet

All of these pictures are from our Island adventure last p-day. Off the coast of Göteborg there are a bunch of islands and with our bus card we could ride the boat and go around the islands. It was really cool! We didn't get off the boat, we just went on a ride around and enjoyed being on the ocean. It was a lot of fun! Then after the island boat trip we went back into town and went to eat lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe! I was in heaven. We sat at a table with Sid Vicous' vest. Rad. Rock N' Roll is here to stay! So, enjoy the pictures from my past week.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Peanut Butter and Jelly


So, last pday was lame, we didn't go bowling and I still don't know why. All the missionaries in our zone came here and we just stayed at the center. So, around 3:00 I called my YSA friends and asked them if they would be willing to take me out. They came and we had a ball! They took me around Goteborg and to some amazing candy shops! YUM. And to a store called "Beyond Retro". Which I loved! These pictures are from my adventure last pday with some YSAs. I LOVE them! And today we are going to hang out with them again and go to the islands. I am excited.

Let's see...this past week we had a lot of teaches. They went pretty well. We finally got the chance to teach the man who stopped me on the tram a couple of weeks ago to pray for his son! He came to the center and we talked about prayer and why it works. We also taught him how to pray, so he can pray for his son as well. We found out that he is really depressed and on the weekends he goes out with his friends and drinks a lot. But, he did tell us that he wanted to stop drinking. So, that's a good sign. He is amazing and is so ready for our message. We will be meeting with him this week as well. We will see if he has done any reading and praying. We send him texts almost every day with a scripture for him to read. The whole mission got new phones this week! They are wonderful- and have some really good ring tones.

A couple of weeks ago we found a list entitled "People to call" so we have been calling them and seeing if they are still interested in meeting and from that list we have gotten many appointments and new investigators. We have a total of 12 investigators right now and we are still finding people to teach when we are on the tram. Almost every day we get a new phone number. I love Goteborg!! We actually got to go to Chamlers- which is the University here- and teach a couple of students there this week. When we were walking around the campus it made me miss UVU.... a lot. I am excited for when I get back home to continue on and get my Masters degree.

We had four member middags (dinners) this past week and three of them were with the Elders. There is a lot of work to do here in Goteborg! We actually have a total of seven missionaries in our ward including the older couple- The Andersons. Lovely. Syster Juker and I gave the spiritual thought yesterday, all in Swedish, about prayer! It was really neat because we are the two least experienced missionaries. We are really trying to get this language down.

Guess what!? I am the official cook. That's right everyone - I can cook! And when I get home I will be cooking like crazy. I LOVE it! I make almost every lunch and I have been making tons of treats to bring to people. Life is good.

Syster Juker has a song called PB and J and we have been listening to it all week. Then on Saturday we went to a members house and they fed us PB and J for lunch! It was so much fun- all five of us missionaries went over there and we did service for them in their yard. It made me miss working in the yard. Which I really never did before.. Haha. But, I am telling you, I love it! We did so much work.

Life here is really good! I hope everyone is enjoying school and work! Remember - every morning we choose if we are going to be happy or not. Ask the Lord every day.. how can I be your instrument? I know that He will lead you to who you can help that day. Miracles happen.. if you believe! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!

Love, Talisa!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Jesus was like a Hippie.

Syster Jenson, Syster Juker and Syster Vistaunet in Goteberg!

Hello everyone!

Well, the church is true. This past week has been a crazy organization week. Syster Juker and I got our new companion- Syster Jenson. Who we LOVE! We all get along really well and it feels like a sister type relationship already. It is really nice. Syster Jenson is from Utah as well. On Thursday we went to this really neat watch tower place in the city and looked out over the whole city. When we were up there we made transfer goals and talked about all the people that we need to find. This city is huge and we are really grateful that we have two Elders who will be helping us with the work. It has been crazy this week trying to figure out which investigators to give to the Elders and showing them around the city.

Yesterday a family from the ward invited all five of us missionaries over for dinner. It was so much fun and so strange to have Elders with us. We can tell that we are going to become one big family. We have seen them every day since they arrived. Haha. Elder Smith and Elder DeLow. It's going to be a good transfer. We have some plans for doing finding work together - Like singing, chalk drawings, or setting up a table! The future is bright and we have some good things in store.

This is my schedule every week-
Monday- P-day! Institute meeting at 6pm and then FHE at 7pm.
Tuesday- Teaching, Finding, and then 6pm Movie night at the institute.
Wednesday- Teaching, Finding, teach Swedish class 5pm, usually a middag- dinner, and then institute at 7pm.
Thursday- District Meeting, Lunch with everyone, teaching our dopdatum (investigator!), and teaching and finding.
Friday- Teaching, Finding, Weekly Planning, and then chill at the institute- 7pm.
Saturday- Teach Swedish class- 1pm, service, teaching, finding.
Sunday- Meeting, Church, Middag, and then teaching or calling people!

This past week I had an amazing experience at the Institute!! On Friday night we had Chill and at the chill 16 year olds and up were invited. I was in heaven! It was a pie night. I met so many people and talked to so many new faces. It is an amazing feeling being a missionary at these events. I felt so loved and so looked up to. I was the cool, older, sister missionary. I made friends with some young girls around Serina's age. I have heard that in the past, they have gone out on splits with the sisters and I really hope that I get to do that! I totally want to work with teenagers for the rest of my life. I had so much fun and they really helped me with my Swedish! But, for the most part we did speak English. I am SO grateful that almost everyone here can speak english.

My testimony regarding prayer has grown so much this past week. When we go to middags (dinners) we leave a spiritual thought and ask them if they have anyone that they would like us to pray for and then we can be praying together for them. Since doing this we have gotten two really positive investigators and some less actives showing up to activities! Prayer is a real tool that everyone can use everyday at any moment. Sometimes life gets so hectic and we forget to pray. Which is silly because it is the most important thing that we can do to become closer to our Heavenly father. Prayer works and Heavenly Father often answers our prayers through another person. Look for the ways your prayers have been answered and thank Heavenly Father for answering your prayers. Read Mosiah 27: 14. It is where Alma the younger gets visited by an angel because his father has been praying for him.

Our investigator, the one who is getting baptized on Oct. 1st, is amazing. We learn something new from her every week. This past week we asked her how she grew up- religious wise and who Jesus was to her. She answered us by saying he was like a Hippie. Haha. Good to know.

Well, I LOVE you all! We are off to do a zone activity today! We are going BOWLING! I am very excited. I haven't been for 6 months! Hopefully I will get more than 50. Haha.

Love, Talisa!

Aka: Syster Vistaunet

Happy Birthday to my sweet cuz Alex tomorrow!!
And Happy Birthday to those September birthdays!- Tom Taylor, Zoe Taylor, Penelope, Grandpa Vistaunet, Evelyn Paulos, Jared Parker, Uncle Matt,and Grace!

Transferring to Goteberg....riding the train alone!


At a music festival in Goteberg.

Pictures from Sweden!!